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"Trains" is an original and truly cinematic project of a full-length documentary based solely on archival materials from around the world. It is a moving story about the 20th century seen through the prism of human fate locked in railway cars.

A train compartment is a place where a person is temporarily taken out of the context of everyday existence. For a few hours or a few days, a person is in the new socium, and his life goes on according to the timetable. There is something beautiful, magical and often very dramatic about traveling by train. Sometimes the journey is accompanied by some hope that something will change in our lives at the destination station, or vice versa - there is no hope at all.

Directed by Maciej J. Drygas  

Script: Maciej J. Drygas

Genre: documentary

Total time: 90’

Year of production: 2023

Production: DRYGAS FILM PRODUCTION – Vita Żelakeviciute

Editor: Rafał Listopad

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