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Voice of hope

The Polish station of Radio Free Europe began broadcasting from Munich on May 3, 1952, convinced that free access to information serves the cause of mutual understanding in the world. This radio station, which was hostile from the point of view of the PRL authorities, was listened to by people all over Poland. Every day they sat in front of radio receivers to broaden the horizon of freedom, not to let themselves be indoctrinated to the end, to wage their little private war against totalitarianism. To limit access to information, authorities have deployed a dense network of jamming stations across the country. Hundreds of specialists from dawn to dusk were on duty at the transmitters, which emitted the shrill sound of jamming modulations on the frequencies of Radio Free Europe.

Written and directed by Maciej J. Drygas

Genre: Documentary 58’ 

Production: Drygas Production, Program1 TVP S.A., TV Planete, ADR Production France

Cinematography: Andrzej Musiał

Music: Paweł Szymański

Sound: Iwo Klimek/ I.M.I. Studio

Editing: Katarzyna Maciejko-Kowalczyk

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